i'm a professional photographer based in finland, europe. my pro work mainly covers motorcycles and cars. having said that, i do like to shoot interesting people as well for recreation. please join me for some of the work i've done so far.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Ali has been building choppers since the 70's. His latest sikle, "Jupiter", has won pretty much every single chopper show here in Finland this summer. He took three trophies in Sweden, Nortelje, and will take the bike to Germany next spring for the World Championships. Jupiter is completely hand made. The amount of hand made parts are just mind blowing. Spending over 1000 hours on the bike, it is a testament to Finnish craftsmanship. Kopteri 112 centrefold.

Jens's Ironhead is a totally unique sikle. It looks great but it's the inside of the machine what makes this ride so special. Packed with ultra rare go-fast-parts from the 70's makes it REALLY special. Published in Gasoline (Sweden), Kopteri (Finland) and Showclass (US).